Autobiography and biography powerpoint project
Biography powerpoint presentation...
Autobiographies and Biographies
Presentation on theme: "Autobiographies and Biographies"— Presentation transcript:
1 Autobiographies and Biographies
2 AutobiographyAn autobiography is a book about the life of a person, written by that person.The only person who can write an autobiography about you is you.This is you writing a story about your own life and your experiences.
3 Autobiography An autobiography can take the form of: A diary A memoir
A novel about you own experience
4 Questions to think about…
When were you born?Where were you born?Where do you go to school, what grade?What do you like to eat?What is your favorite T.V.
show?What is your favorite sport?What do you like to do?Who are your best friends?Include one thing that only you would know about yourself.
5 Ms.
Autobiography and biography powerpoint project
White’s Short Autobiography
I am Ms. White. I was born on January 24, in Lebanon, Tennessee. I graduated from Monroe County High school in I am currently a 6th grade Writing teacher at Monro