Russian revolution 1905-1917 timeline

  • Russian revolution 1905-1917 timeline
  • Russian revolution 1905-1917 timeline of events

    Russian revolution 1905-1917 timeline map.

    Russian revolution timeline

    Russian Revolution in Dates

    1905 Jan Bloody Sunday - Tsarist troops open fire on a peaceful demonstration of workers in St Petersburg.

    1905 October General Strike sweeps Russia which ends when the Tsar promises a constitution.

    1905 December In response to the suppression of the St Petersburg Soviet the Moscow Soviet organises a disastrous insurrection that the government suppresses after five days

    1906 The promised parliament, the Duma, is dissolved when it produces an anti government majority even though elected on a narrow franchise.

    Russian revolution 1905-1917 timeline

  • Russian revolution 1905-1917 timeline
  • Russian revolution 1905-1917 timeline of events
  • Russian revolution 1905-1917 timeline map
  • Russian revolution summary
  • Consequences of the 1905 russian revolution
  • 1911-1914 A new wave of workers unrest ends with the outbreak of the First World War

    1917 Feb After several days of demonstrations in Petrograd (formally St Petersburg) the government orders troops to open fire. The next day these troops mutiny.

    The Tsar abdicates when he hears that Moscow too has joined the Revolution. An agreement is reached between the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Government headed b