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  • South Atlantic News Agency

    Uruguay's twice president Tabare Vazquez dies: kilometers of vehicles followed the funeral procession

    Monday, December7th2020 - 09:05 UTC

    Full article

    The funeral procession left on Sunday, 13:00 hours from Town Hall where Vazquez was first elected mayor
    “Uruguayans, celebrate, Uruguayans, celebrate”, was his famous message to the crown on the night of victory, November 2004.

    People were invited to follow the procession in their vehicles with Uruguayan and Broad Front flags
    In March 2020, Vázquez hands the presidential sash and symbols to elected president Luis Lacalle Pou

    Two times former Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez died early morning Sunday in Montevideo at the age of 80 after suffering from lung cancer and pancreatic metastasis.

    By early afternoon and following on the family's wishes Vazquez was buried in a private ceremony at the La Teja cemetery, the working neighborhood where he