Paul harvey mosquito spray for yard reviews

  • Paul harvey mosquito spray for yard reviews
  • Paul harvey mosquito spray for yard reviews amazon.

    Testing DIY Mosquito and Fruit Fly Repellent

    Step 1: Before diving into the DIY spray, I showcased the magnitude of my fruit fly problem.

    Hidden among my trees, there were numerous fruit flies buzzing around, causing annoyance and frustration.

    Paul harvey mosquito spray for yard reviews

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  • Paul harvey mosquito spray for yard reviews amazon
  • Mouthwash, epsom salt beer mosquito repellent snopes
  • Paul harvey mosquito spray for yard reviews complaints
  • Additionally, my shrubs harbored a significant number of mosquitoes, adding to the challenge.

    Step 2: The Recipe for DIY Spray To combat these pests, I prepared a DIY spray known as the Paul Harvey spray.

    The recipe, popularized in the 80s through a radio broadcast, has been tested and endorsed by many. The ingredients needed are as follows:

    1. Mint-flavored mouthwash (any brand, cheapest available)

    2. Beer (cheapest available, allowed to go flat)

    3. Epsom salt (preferably lavender fragrance)

    Step 3: Mixing and Preparing the Spray In a container, combine three cups of Epsom salt with a large bottle of mint-flavored mouthwash.

    Thoroughly mix the Epsom salt into the mouthwash. Strain the mixture to ensure no salt blockages occur when