Kathleen riordan speeth biography of rory
Kathleen riordan speeth biography of rory and dean...
Kathleen Riordan Speeth Edit Profile
Kathleen Riordan Speeth, American psychologist, educator. Licensed psychologist, New York, California.
Kathleen riordan speeth biography of rory
Barnard Fellow, 1959. Member American Psychological Association, Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Sigma Xi.
Speeth, Kathleen Riordan was born on February 12, 1937 in New York City.
Daughter of John Francis and Mavis (McIntosh) Riordan.
Bachelor cum laude, Barnard College, 1959. Master of Arts, Columbia University, 1963. Doctor of Philosophy, Columbia University, 1967.
Assistant in psychology, Columbia University, New York City, 1959-1964; associate member technical staff, Bell laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, 1961; psychologist, Basic Systems, Inc., New York City, 1963-1966; psychologist, Xerox Corporation, New York City, 1966-1968; consultant, Office of Economic Opportunity, Responsive Environments, Inc., Ludi Edu